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Merging creativity and detail

Melissa Fuda a true creative professional. She combines creative vision, skills, and attention to detail to make the grooming experience stress-free, transparent and beautiful for her clients and their pets.


"One of the best things about my job is showing dogs that their grooming experience can be stress-free. The dogs on my table push and inspire me every day to continue to learn and grow as a groomer."


Boone, NC

Daniel’s Story

With over 14 years in the cattle and livestock grooming business, Daniel Brown knows a thing or two about how to succeed in the industry. Daniel's biggest inspiration comes from teaching the younger generation of cattle groomers, and sharing the wisdom he has learned throughout his career. Daniel teaches the kids grooming using his favorite Andis product, the Medium Blending Detachable Blade.

Scranton , PA

Juanita’s Story

Juanita Harris meets challenges head-on. Losing her job just days after finding out she was pregnant for the first time, Juanita persisted through the difficult and emotional time. It proved to be a minor setback for a big comeback. Since then, she has built a ten-year grooming career, finding purpose, inspiration and community through give-back charity grooming tours.

Green Bay, WI

Brooke’s Story

Brooke Terrabrio loves how rewarding grooming can be, but recognizes that it is easy to get caught up in what other people are doing. Her recommendation to other groomers is to stop comparing yourself to others, learn at your own pace, and embrace your own style. It allows you to enjoy your creativity and to share it with the world without getting caught up in the game of expectations.
